government report, a day after the incident.
Only 100 people left.
It makes me shudder every time I think about it but I will relay it the best I can.
It all happened at 8:30.
People were going around their usual business, when there was a bright red light in the sky.
The clouds parted and all people could see was a red astronaut.
He was short, had no arms and had a small hole covered with glass so they could see.
In a booming voice, it said, SUSSY SUS THE WORLD IS SUS IMPOSTOR.
It proceeded to eject the entire planet and everyone on it, only leaving a few survivors, who managed to grab some oxygen and equipment. It still continues to spread like a virus, turning people into amogus. Everyone who is aware gets transformed. We are currently working on a serum to counter this horrible disease. Oh my god, it’s happening, OH FUCK GOD OH FUCK SUSUUSUSU SUSSY AMOGUS AMOGUS SUSUSUSUU-
End of report.