Everyone is always confused about how tik tok is suddenly booming again especially since musically died out after a short period of time. Well the answer is pretty obvious to a genius like me. Tik tok isn’t just owned by a Chinese company. That’s right. Tik tok is fucking Illuminati bitchhhhhh. First of all, we know that charli damelio is the most popular tik tok user as of now, but this conspiracy is bigger than just charli. The entire hype house is responsible. Did u really think people like watching the same people do the same shitty dance over and over? Yeah I didn’t think so. It all starts with that faggot lil huddy. Nobody ever questions what his name truly means but it is a key part of unfolding the truth. Huddy is thought to be short for hudson, but it is really the way an Indian person says “hurry”. Don’t think I don’t see u saying hurry in an Indian accent right now, but anyway back to the point. What do we know about the population of Indian people? That’s correct, most of them work at Dunkin’ Donuts or 7 11. Have you ever noticed that 7/11 is only two months away from 9/11, which is probably the biggest Illuminati hoax by far. Al queida had nothing to do with the suicide plane crashes. Those were simply Illuminati trying to cover up something much bigger but that’s for a later conspiracy. All along al queida was actually a dance crew based in Saudi Arabia. The biggest problem is that Saudi Arabia is literally just a large fucking desert. Ya know the word desert always confused me because if you add an S, you get a sweet dish that provides a magical taste bud adventure while deserts are dry and bland. It’s almost as if the saudia Arabian deserts are hiding something…. wait I’ve got it! Saudi Arabia is hiding the hype house! It all makes sense now. Charli damelio isn’t even a fucking person. She is really a fucking war drone with hyper realistic cyber masks. How could I have not noticed? Only the most elite war drones could pull off moves like her. Do you think a 16 year old girl could really attract that much attention. This brings me to exhibit one. We all know that illuminat controls the internet so they planted this fake persona to keep the internet occupied while illuminati plans for something much bigger. Do you know how many people spend all their time on tik tok??? It’s almost like a disease. Like. Like the Black Plague! The plague that originated in china… just like tik tok!?!? Coincidence? I think not. Tik tok used to be called musically which was bought by the Chinese powerhouse bytedance. The only issue with this logic is that it bytedance is a Chinese company, how is tik tok in English? They must’ve used google translate. Google translate has exactly 103 languages programmed into it, buttttttt only 100 of those languages can be translated with either voice or images. This leaves the number three. Isn’t it pretty weird that after all of this we got to the number three which is literally the amount of sides in a triangle? No guess what groups symbol is a triangle. Yup that’s right. Google play. Google play is googles App Store. iOS devices have to use the apple store though which has about 2 million apps. The google store has around 250,000 apps 250,000/2000000 is about 0.125. Downloading all of those apps would take a lot of bytes. 0.125 of a byte is a bit. Bit is three letters with an eye in the middle tik tok is Illuminati confuckingfirmed bitch. This is what I do on my bus rides.