EDIT 3: Alright now I’m not being so nice. I’m an atheist, but all you other atheist weirdos calling my parents crazy are weird. I hesitate to inform people I’m atheist because of houseplants like you. So self-informed on my life because you’re drunk on your own over-inflated, humuncular ideas about spirituality in people’s personal lives, it’s no wonder r/atheism isn’t a default sub anymore. Look how you’re acting, trying to tell me “bro you need to get out of there.” The story is over a decade old, apparently none of you can read! I shouldn’t be surprised at what I’m reading! However, if you do still feel inclined to let the pea that rolls around your empty head, whose sound you mistake for a competent thought, inform you of some truly transcendent comment in which you consider calling my parents whack jobs and nuts, it says way more about you and your small-mindedness in acting like you know better just because you have an internet connection and a lifetime full of trauma on your own. STOP BEING WEIRD NERDS IN THE COMMENTS.