Omg Keanu wholesome Chungus 100! That means “Hello” in redditese!

Get free WiFi anywhere you go, HOLD UP ring ding ding ding ding dinga ring ding.

I hope you liked my little EPIC performance there, but alas, hello fellow redditor, thank you so much for fighting for our rights. REDDIT FTW we will destroy Instagram with our minecraft diamond pickaxes and wholesome memes!!!

Here is an invitation so we could charge at Tik Tok and Instagram HQ. Tomorrow at 420:69 AM! (Nice) Don’t be late! They can’t kill all of us amirite Haha!

Pewdiepie will help us! Remember to pray to him every night! Ring ding dinga dinga ding!


Well it was sick meeting you, u/(Insert_name_here)

Fortnite bad, Minecraft good! That’s “goodbye” in redditese!

Edit: Thanks for the silver kind stranger!

Edit 2: Thanks for the wholesome award kind stranger!

Edit 3: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!!!!