I (19M), tall (6’3), buff, brown hair, blue eyes, (people tell me I look like Harry Styles for those of you who like to visualize), was at the library today. I was just getting some homework done for my aerodynamics class (I’m smart), when I saw this white guy yelling at a black woman. Although I’m not one to eavesdrop, I wanted to make sure that this white guy wasn’t doing a racism. I walked over to their table and I saw the black woman in tears.

“Dude, I don’t know what you just said to her, but fuck off and leave this library,” I demanded.

“I don’t think black people should be at this university!” The beta male said. I immediately saw red and punched him in the face, so hard that he crumpled, knocked out. I heard a few gasps. Others in the library had turned to look at what was going on. I guess I had made a disturbance by calling out that racist.

I turned to the black woman, who looked shocked. “I’m attracted to black women!” I stated, proudly. I started walking away, packing my stuff, preparing to leave.

As I was leaving, the librarian shouted: “you’re banned from this public place!”

So, AITA for giving a racist what he deserved?