In all honesty I prayed I’d never be the fuhrer to have one of these sent to him but I guess everybody needs to be told what’s wrong every once in a while. Before I start let me tell you all that you don’t need mass letters or threats of resignation or what have you, I try to take concerns seriously even if I play them off or act tough about it. Your voices are heard, and it will not take a petition for them to be so. The reason that I am responding to this letter in kind and taking these suggestions isn’t the number or rank of names attached but because everyone on here is a team and most of the people on here do even more work than I do. Germany isn’t Hitler, it’s everyone here, even if I try to keep it together. And while this was not specifically addressed in the letter and there are more problems with my attitude than this—problems which I keep saying I’ll address but at this point I have to recognize I have consistently failed to—I do want to say that I have not acted on most of these threats. I’ve executed two people from the party (in my memory) for plotting against me, and we both know them by name as memes nowadays (Rohm and Strasser). I will never execute a member for making a mistake, I will never actually punish them, and if they told me they didn’t want to hear their shit about it I might throw out a classic ‘schweinhund’ or ‘boy’ but I’d never actually try and pursue the criticism—at least not at that level. And for one of the final points of the opening, I do not see any of you as Waffen-SS. I do not see myself as a Waffen-SS. I have other things in my life I consider far more important to me. Please recognize this isn’t some misguided form of military justice or fanatical attempt to restructure you in such a system, I have no interest in doing so. If I thought any sort of military organizational system worked then I’d be trying to participate in it instead of get the fuuuck out.