WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO SUCH AN INNOCENT GAME CHARACTER!? Listen to this, ScrewAttack! Next to Super Mario Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog is one of the greatest game characters EVER!!! And with Sonic Mania and Forces coming out on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, you better not mess with the Blue Blur. I know, I know, Sonic has had some terrible games every once in a while, but just think about the sequel, 3&Knuckles, the Adventure games, Unleashed, Colors, Generations and alot more to come. So stop blabbering about Sonic, OKAY!? I’d hate to be a SammyClassicSonicFan, but THE SONIC FANBASE FREAKING RULES!!! ANYBODY CAN CALL SONIC WHATEVER, YES EVEN SANIC. AND HE CAN DRIVE A CAR WHENEVER HE’D LIKE!!! SO CUT IT OUT, CRAIG, AND NEVER HATE ON SONIC AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!