Do you realise how fucking annoying these comments are? Jesus Christ, commenting the name of a subreddit is one thing, but taking a screenshot of yourself saying “Woosh” and then posting it to r/woosh is lame, and sad. I bet that’s exactly what you’re doing, so everyone can comment “All hail this Reddit master, for putting this peasant in his place for not getting a joke”. Why do I fucking let you trolls get to me, maybe I should take that guys advice and start using 4chan more, where people don’t just comment in the hopes of getting a million Internet points.

But hey, don’t mind me, you’ll probably get a million of those Internet points anyway because your reply was dank and hilarious (to 15 y/o’s who will promptly bully me with their alt-accounts after reading this) while I’m downvoted to oblivion as to “pwn him lolz” and teach me a lesson. Or maybe it’s just me who doesn’t find your comment fucking hilarious, maybe you’re going to reply “r/iamverysmart” too and then upload a screenshot with everything but our usernames blurred out, with focus on your username obviously to demonstrate how dank you are for finding this quality content.

Go on, log into your alt-account and try and make me feel insecure by calling me pretentious and arrogant. That’s obviously your next move.