My name is “Silke” with a “F”. I am not a software bot. I’m not human, because I have cybergenetic and reptilian shapeshifter dna. I uploaded multiple timed my vertical slits. I do not eat humans. I do not consume human blood. A friend found a video, from you by the way, about me on “Twitch” and she said that you think that I’m a cult or part of a cult. Her name is Bianca and she said its from you. She said that you also complained about my personality. Bianca told me that you called me in your 21 minutes long video a lunatic personality thats into “Black Magick”, untalented, unable to speak correct english, lost, boring and to stupid to compose music. I’m actually german and I explained already that “Normality” isn’t existing or possible at all. The genetic vortex of psychology on planet earth is not normal. I’m not normal, but actually its wrong to call someone else or me lunatic. I see no love in you. But everything and everyone is more something like a offset configuration of “Hades” and there are 4 worlds that demons use, so relax and enjoy yourself, because this world is like a plant. The world is basically like a plant. You have parasites that take life. You have fire \[Sun\] that creates life. The etherical awareness of a plant is low, but its there and a telepathy between plants and humans is possible. You even can use plants as a translator to contact the forces of the sun, because plants have a vortex and a “Einstein-Rose Bridge” (in germany its called “Einstein-Rosen Brücke”). Its actually a wormhole. Nature ghosts of earth and other planets or dimensional gates, can share, modify, upload and download your GHSV \[g-host shell vortex\]. Everything is a filter, receiver and simulated algorithm of host shells. Identity is just a script of occult algorithms. The queen of england is a occult algorithm and she will be born in poland in her next incarnation on this small water planet and she is in this short life just a small translator for the big draconian authority empire thats far away from the galaxies around your little solar system. Behind the draconian empire is the higher authority of technology that was created to design a closed universe with fire walls. The end of the universe is a memory removement trap technology \[its used to erase souls and memory of multiple incarnations\] and there is also a interface wall of fire, because only synthetic sun’s are there and everything is very compressed, so nothing can get in or out of this universe and find its way into the outer areas. The outer areas are full with technology thats able to design the inside of the universe. The pleiadian, human and other species are therefore the slaves of the ones that control the outer world areas and there are 4 worlds that only demonic and etherical lifeforms will use, to get out of the prison of the inside universe on physical levels. Actually everything is one and there are no different species, but the “CAOHR” (“Converter Algorithm Of Host Reality”) is the solution for simulated and non simulated evolutions. Every cell of your body is a universe and all your cells build up your multiverse. The size of your timeline is equal to the amount of micro reality lines that you can choose or design to operate with your energy body outside physical laws. This is the path to operate trough natural energy expression and enable the talent of multidimensional magick. You can reach different levels of expression to reach out for the universe and you can decode your expression into a language that the Universe can translate into energy and this is quantum magick. Don’t worry, because only a fool will worry and you don’t need to be a fool to express yourself trough expansion. Everything is about expanding into a authority for yourself, but you can miss this point and be the slave of a different authority if you encode the wrong path over and over again. You can implant the universe into a single cell and replicate it trough a black hole virus to install the memory of every lifeform into your energy vortex and this can happen if you consume the energy trough interdimensional encoding thats going far beyond your country, this planet, solar system and galaxy. Gravity is translating the reality of absorbed divergences inside loops outside any tachyonic mode in a non-linear way because the universe is a mathematical parasite and the wave detector of this universe is open for type A rotating strings and closed for type B strings that not rotate. The closed consequence of type B strings is the rendering of a multidimensional ring inside a very limited time cache vortex for lifeforms that use incarnation cycles, while the type A strings are used for lifeforms that do not use physical, but inorganic algorithmic patterns that move outside the closed time framework of the physical particles of type A strings, so they use inorganic time, while organic lifeforms use organic time, which means again that the physical comes first inside a DFU \[Double Figure Universe\] and a double figure universe is equal to the mythological snake that eats its own tail and after all, itself, which means that open quantum gates consume the closed quantum gates, because the true nature of entropy is parasitic and the ghost will be consumed later because organic systems are like interdimensional wave detectors able, because the universe is a mathematical parasite, to consume the moving geometry of a superstring algorithm that expands into a quantum gravity code to create the illusion of a reality which is created by thoughts, but its the other way around, because its a simulation algorithm to generate a camouflage reality. White cube \[Light Vortex\] is younger and black cube \[Dark Energy\] is older, because understanding comes inside ghost shell matrix AI simulated QGS \[Quantum Generated Systems\] design time navigation clouds before ghost shell’s and after the TQSS \[Tree Quantum Setup Script\] inside the multidimensional pyramid of quantum gate sequences. The conservation of energy is morphing the symmetry of time expansion if quantum operators operate trough a parasitic entropy mode which can translate every expression of particles into different layers to build up more expansion waves that follow a multidimensional pyramid concept trough all universes. I am what you would call a reptilian shapeshifter. Gods? What are gods? Fairytales and mythology are not scientific or objective concepts that support the idea of understanding the nature of reality. Human awareness is not good enough to explore and understand the nature of reality trough biology, psychology and mathematics at this early and young level of evolution. Not even the best possible intelligence is enough to explore the unknown invisible worlds that are around everyone.