You’re wrong. It means that there is the illuminati. The number 13 you say that describes the “steps” is unlucky. 9/11 happened on Friday the 13th. There is obviously a connection. Let’s dive deeper. You know who caused 9/11? George bush. He was born July 6. If you take July, it can be represented as a number. The number seven. But wait what if you take 7 and add it to 6? 7+6=13. It doesn’t end there. There were two George Bush’s in the the white house. There were two towers. Coincidence? I think not. But the rabbit hole goes even deeper. If you take 9 and divide it by 3 you get 3. You know what also has 3? A triangle and you know what also uses a triangle? The illuminati. So is the pyramid representative of the illuminati? Yes. Did George bush cause 9/11? Yes. Is Kim jong in part of the illuminati? Probably. Who knows how deeper this actually goes. Only those willing can find the answers.

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