What an interesting beast my hair is. While it’s short I have little dandruff and little variation in softness. However, when it’s long this isn’t the case. Depending on the day, it might be soft with little dandruff or greasy with lots of dandruff. This is a result of me only taking a shower every other day. Can you imagine taking a shower every day? That sounds terrible! I once did it, and my skin got so dry. It was unbelievable. Oh, and my hair. My hair didn’t enjoy it either, well atleast I don’t think so. My scalp was crying out to God with unimaginable dryness, but yet no dandruff. Sadly for those who take a shower every day, I don’t hate dandruff. I love it. It is my friend. No, actually. Well, not really, but I don’t mind it. I think it’s much better having dandruff then having a dry scalp all the time. To be honest, as long as my fingernails stay short my dandruff never really feels that bad. But guess what? I can’t workout (Aunt’s orders) so my fingernails grow like crazy. I am sorry Head and Shoulders! I have failed to do my part! In all honesty, that slim, white bottle of magic goo really does help with your dandruff. But I don’t need it! No, I need nothing of the sort! I can deal without you, Head and Shoulders! Damned be those who say, “Oh I need Head and Shoulders or my dandruff will consume me and my inner being will be destroyed!”! It is despicable how they rely on creation! Any shampoo will do for me. My hair is strong enough to last through it.