You are the most pathetic human my eyeballs, ears and brain have ever witnessed in my entire shitty life. No kidding. Your disgusting face remind me of a poor child in Tuvalu, selling buckets of blood vomit for money. Everybody in your country, city, town and neighborhood STRONGLY, and yes I mean VERY strongly hate your disgusting, smelly look. swear to Zeus’s son if my eyeballs ever see your little atrocious look strolling through, I will fucking smack your ugly, miserable and weak nose, so that you’ll bleed, you disgusting maggot. I can’t believe the gods above our heads have created a massive failure like you. I hope pirates capture your rotten body and make you drown, you degenerate. You are a threat to the whole planet we currently live in called Earth. So, we say fuck you, wish you financial problems, criminal penalties, health issues and, in general, the WORST days in your life, you literal scum.