Ok, so I’m a (17F) homeless (evicted) woman (wagina). I spend my days (24 hours) in a homeless shelter spreading joy to my fellow impoverished (look it up). It was in there (homeless shelter) I met a 50 (year old) man (penis) named Baby Raping Bill.

One day a older woman, about 30 (days old) came in holding her 9 month old baby. Baby Raping Bill kindly offered to hold her her baby when she needed her hands free to hold the caviar I’d prepared. While her back was turned I noticed Baby Raping Rill whip out his erect (16 inch) penis and walk the baby into the guys (penis) bathroom.

I didn’t think much of it at the time until it clicked that Baby Raping Bill was gonna rape this woman’s baby. I ran into the guys bathroom to see Baby Raping Bill positioning his cock (man) right over the babies (vagina).

I (snatched) the baby from his hands. (Mad, he punched me in the) eye but I protected the baby. I ran out and told (someone to call) the police of Baby Raping Bill.

I had to go to hospital because the punch had blinded me, but it was worth it to protect the (kid). I was (given) the key to the city and Baby (Raping) Bill was put away (for life.)

(AITA for going into the guys toilets and (not respecting) their privacy?)