(What’s a funeral kazoo?)

I am glad you asked, and what a good question that is! what is it? well just as the name states, it is a kazoo you use specifically during funerals.

Are you tired of looking at all the people despairing over the los of a good friend, family and loved member of the community? is that widow annoying you with her tears over her husband’s cold, dead body? wanna make little tommy stop bowling his eyes out because his last words to his dad were “I hate you, you don’t understand me” and that’s a regret he will carry for the rest of his life?

Well, funeral Kazoo is your best bet to lighten the mood and turn all those frowns into smiles! Just one single blow and you will get the party started, because I am sure good old whatshisname would want you to remember him with a warm smile

Copypasta made by u/Random_Stealth_Ward