The problem is there’s no more bullies. Plain and simple. For the past 20 years, the schools and liberals killed them off. Now we only have cyber bullys that make depressed kids drink bleach, deploy swat teams for fun, and are all antisocial. Without real bullies there’s no one to keep order, like in nature. Wolves keep the deer population in check, without the wolves, deer overpopulate and eat all the fucking grass. Now the grass is pop culture. Without bullies, the nerds rose up and destroyed. Ate all the fucking grass. Now every movie is about comic books or some shitty 80’s reboot. It’s cultural collapse. Back in the day, kids saw the United States land on the fucking moon, live on t.v. And what do kids nowadays get to see? 9/11, an endless war for oil, Caitlyn Jenner, phony politicians. They’re overstimulated underachievers. Autistic doped up crumb-bums. A country of politically correct, limp wristed jerkoffs who hide behind keyboards and complain about bathroom rights. Well i’m mad as hell and i’m not gonna take it no more.