(/s because some guy will get triggered I’m making fun of senseless conspiracies, post it in response to that online friend who is racist because he visits /pol/ too much)

Guys. How fucking dumb are you? Well, hah, actually I guess you can’t be blamed because nobody has the intelligence as I. But then let me paint it out to you. It’s clear to see the Nazis are socialists, it’s in the name.

Really, if you did your research MORON it’d be clear to see. It’s obvious that they were socialist because they were controlled by the Jews. Don’t believe me? Well, pffft, if you seen Raiders of The Lost Ark it’d be obvious but you aren’t as classy as the intellectuals such as I and Albert Einstein. I don’t think it’s a coincidence a superweapon is uncovered by the Nazis in Edgypt, A PLACE WHERE JEWS WERE USED TO BUILD PYRAMIDS AND TOMBS. (Oh yeah and if you don’t believe in True Aryan Blood then it’s obvious that they couldn’t unlock the superweapon and died because they were deluted with Jewish blood and only Aryans could handle that much power) It’s easy to put one and one together to see the Jews built a superweapon a long time ago to eventually take over the world and WW2 was their time. I mean, I only heard about the rocket experiments done AFTER the Jews were kicked out. Why? Because the Jewish scientists were too busy using tools bestowed upon them by SATAN to make a device to control the minds of Hitler.

And, if you can even understand this far, because I bet your puny mind has already wimped out on digesting my advanced vernacular: the Jews were also communists. Communists who faked a massacre by taking over Hitlers mind and made people think Jews were dying so they’d feel sorry for them. Why do you think that rat-faced Jew Stalin got East Europe? BECAUSE THE JEWS WERE SOCIALISTS WHO FAKED ALL OF THIS TO GIVE STALIN THEIR COMMUNIST POWER BECAUSE SATAN STARTED COMMUNISM TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD. I mean connect more dots you think it’s also JUST A COINCIDENCE that gays were also faked to be killed? GAYS ARE SOCIALIST TOO BECAUSE GAYS BELIEVE IN GAY IDEAS BECAUSE GOD SENT THEM HERE TO SIN!

It’s obvious dude…