I hate your videos. I think you’re the worst person in the entire world and you are not even funny. At best you are just mediocre and your videos have gone downhill. Most of the time you are just saying curse words all the time like its funny but in reality you’re just covering up the fact that you don’t have a single comical bone in your entire body. I hate you. Everyone hates you, nobody likes you. Subscribers are just numbers on the screen, nobody actually cares if you make a video or not. Do you really think people care about some fat fuck playing games on a computer? Do you really think the world will miss you if you just stopped? No one would care and the world would just keep moving along like it did when you weren’t born. What? You think what your doing is special? You think what you’re doing means anything? No one will even remember you in two years. All you will be is just a small speck of their life were they watched a dumb stupid video on the internet just to fill up their free time, because that’s all you are. Just a way for people to waste their time to actually do something important with their lives. You mean nothing to anyone and if you and if someone says otherwise then they are just saying it to make you feel better because to tell the truth they don’t even know who you are. They don’t even know the first thing about you so how can they say that they care about you? They’re just someone behind a screen. They have no actual interest in you as a person. No one has any interest in you as a person. Not even your “friends,” not even your family. That’s why you feel so alone. That’s why you make self deprecating jokes because deep down you know you’re a nobody. You know that without your channel you’re a useless waste of space. And if it wasn’t for your shitty videos no one would even give you a second thought. You’re not funny, your’re not interesting, I hate you. Everyone would just feel better if you just killed yourself.