Humans are NOT the only curious animal. One has to wonder what goes on in the brain of animals who obviously show intelligence. How much reasoning and logic do they have? How much consciousness do they have? Do they have feelings just like humans? With our own sense of humanity, can we deny a thinking animal the right to life and a semblance of equality to live its life as we would to each other as humans?

But then again, nature evolved unfairly or should I say nature does not know fairness. Animal eat animals in order to live. We have all felt the outrage when viewing videos or movies that go counter to our humanistic values. A lion or tiger will kill bambi and we do not like it. An alligator will take the life of a human, a dog, a wildebeest. We know the alligator is sub-human, not even aware of feelings that we can observe.

Nature is cruel, but does it always have to be that way? Can or will human’s transcend evolutionary inhumanity? Could we one day create man-made evolution and choose to live in harmony with the universe, neither hurting living things nor accepting its cruelty?