I’m not a teacher, this wasn’t high school either, but I can’t find a subreddit for this.

So I go to my middle school, toward the 8th grade hall and their talking about the usual fair. I walk to my group of newer friends and here’s how our conversation went,

Me: What’s potassium, everybody! (A greeting similar to What’s popping.)

Michael jackass (nickname): What’s poppin, Coq Au Vin! (nickname)

Whole group: *discussing a whole range of shit*

Lilipad (nickname): What’s anal?

Macadamien nut (nickname): What is anal?

Whole group (including me): *waiting for answer*

Me: *gives full explanation ass shagging*

Everyone (whole group and surrounding people): *suprised pikachu face*

(I thought everyone was a sexual encyclopedia, I guess I was the only one)