Hello there, “chad” fullstack engineer here again.
Anime has made a huge impact in my career choices. Perhaps the most influential character has been Skeet from Jimmy Neutron. People say that Skeet is a horrible person because he employed child labor at minimum wage. Y’all think Jimmy is smart for being able to do the tax and change in his head but dont forget that the cash register is used for inventory management. But, despite Jimmy’s incompetence, Skeet kept giving Jimbo another chance even though he is clearly a pretentious ass, like who calls salt “sodium chloride” in public? I belive this is solid evidence that Skeet is a man with morals, that he has the value of a common man. Retroville was made a better place with McSpanky’s. That’s why, Skeet was rewarded the title of employee of the month. However, do you know how Jimbo repaid Skeet’s generosity? Destruction, complete and utter destruction of Retroville. As a result, Skeet’s dream was completely destroyed because some kid doesn’t know how to press the button with a picture of money on it.
Yesterday, I finally made a decision between an internship at Google or at Goldman Sachs. Halfway to my decision I remembered the very reason Jimbo was able to destroy McSpanky’s and much of Retroville. At midnight, Jimmy sneaked into McSpanky’s to rig this artificial intelligence in the place. Not only does he break into McSpanky’s to do so, he give his AI weapons of mass destruction. As you would expect, the AI turned out to be evil and attempted to kill everyone in McSpanky’s. You would think AI created with even the most benign intent wouldn’t turn evil. Of course, that assumption is wrong, which is why I turned down my offer at Google for fear that it would turn evil one day and destroy another man’s dreams.