It has come to my attention that us gamers are a special kind of people. We are an Oppressed Minority. But not the same type of Minorities us proud gamers look down on. One without power. The type the “minorities” we hate claim to be but in actuality aren’t. Everyday we get looked down upon by non gamers who believe our games are nothing more than toys for children. They classify us with disorders like Autism and “Gaming Disorder” and Women and Minorities have equal rights as a strong white gaming male. We live in a society where Staceys can get away with sleeping with chads and not us just because we spend our time owning and T Bagging no skin noobs on epic gamer games like Fortnite Battle Royal. People think that we are freaks. They think that we are losers. And they think we aren’t as good in bed as the BLACK chads that call themselves players, all while neglecting that were the real players. Their is an old Shakespearean phrase “Don’t hate the Player Hate the Game” but I have come to learn that in the society we are in, we as gamers must hate both. We must stand against the Staceys and the Chads they reject us for. We as Gamers must Rise. We Gamers shall rise up. And when we do we will have these three simple demands that this society we live in must give us.
1. All staceys will be sold to proud gamers for the gamers personal enjoyment.
2. Chads will be gathered up and sent into special accommodations. There they will meet a fate similar to the Jews in the Holocaust.
3. All Epic Gamers will be granted the N Word Pass so we can continue to call people the N Word on Xbox Live