This is simply facts — they just don’t. Why would they be here? Are they lost? We are not the place where graceful examples of feminine beauty resides, and if they claim to be hot, go ahead and ask for a selfie: it’s all a lie. All the girls in the personals subreddits? All lies. All the gonewild babes? Complete visual fabrications.

You see hot girls are actually incapable of browsing Reddit, it’s part of their biology — yes I am a scientist. Reddit emits a steady stream of a magical substance known as hotgirlawayium, a substance that makes females above a 6/10 disinterested in reddit in general, no matter what kind of interesting material they may come across. It’s just not interesting to them and they soon forget about the website or app. To them reddit is a forgotten myth.

But us, the male race (also including you not so hot girls) are comepletely immune to the wiles of hotgirlawayium, seeing as we aren’t hot girls and all.

So my thesis? Stay on Reddit, girls are gross and dating them is a waste of time, and we are infinitely superior to them because of our resistance to hitgirlawayium.

Peace out brothas