Hello Susan, whom is also known as the user siouxsie_siouxv2 on reddit.com.
It is January the 24th, 2019 at 10:00 am pacific time.
I am writing this letter to you to demand that you end your harassment campaign against me.
With the exception of a single response to show that you have read and received this message, do not attempt to contact me in any way. Do not spread rumors or any information about me. Do not attempt to interfere with the /r/memes community in any way.
Do not talk about me or my activities on reddit.com, discordapp.com, and all other social media and electronic communications platforms. Do not collect or spread information about me or my actions.
Do not spread disinformation about me or the actions that have been taken in the /r/memes community.
Do not attempt to persuade or coerce any moderators or any other third party to take actions in the /r/memes community.
Do not coordinate with any third party in an attempt to disrupt or interfere with the /r/memes community.
Do not use scripts, bots or any other denial of service tool or website in order to interfere with the /r/memes community, do not request that any other third party do so.
I am the founder of the /r/memes community and have run it for 10 years, I am greatly emotionally invested in the /r/memes community and the site reddit.com. Your actions to coordinate harassment against me have left me emotionally disturbed and distressed, and I have suffered anxiety because of this. You have shown reckless disregard for my safety in your actions to spread disinformation about me and coordinate with third parties in order to persuade them to harass me and interfere with my business in the /r/memes community and on reddit.com.
The continued actions you have taken against me serve no legitimate purpose, and are willfully and knowingly done in order to torment and harass.
I request that you send me a single message to show that you have received and read this message. Beyond this single message response, I demand that you do not contact or interfere with me any more. I will be sending you this letter once every 24 hours until I receive a message from you stating that you have received this letter.
— [redacted]