Fuck off. Fuck right off. Fuck right off out of here. Off this website. Off this planet. Fuck off straight into the deepest reaches of space where even our modern science can’t predict what will happen to you. Do you think you’ve impressed anyone with your oh so clever comment? Do you think a single person took time out of their day to read your reply and actively believe it bettered themselves? The answer is no. The same goes to the shitty document you linked. I would read it to know what it’s about, but if it exudes a similar level of intellectual prowess that you have demonstrated, then I think mine and everyone else’s time would be better served doing something productive with their life, like licking the shit skids on the inside of toilet bowls. I’d assume your trolling but you’ve given no such indication, but even a troll would surely rather put a bullet through the roof of their mouth than type out the grammatical diarrhea that has blessed my screen. How does it feel knowing you’ve contributed nothing of significance to society? Do you remember how you were told to never give up on your dreams? To never quit even when faced with tremendous odds? To always persevere because deep down you know your dreams are reachable? Just quit now. Whatever dream you have will never improve our world so give up. Your parents must be beyond disappointed. No, actually. Jeffrey Dahmer’s parents were disappointed. Your parents are so beyond disappointed that I don’t think a word exists in human language, English or otherwise. If I asked your mother to name any your accomplishments, the best she would have is some shit ran down her legs during your birth. That’s the extent of what you have accomplished, and I genuinely do not believe it will get better. Please rethink the direction of your life, and for the love of any diety created in the last 5 thousand years, get off reddit. Thank you.