This was originally an RP session I had with Lightmaster667 which I’ve re-worked into a simple story. The cool-collected cat character belongs to him, and Maali belongs to me. Hope you enjoy! 

Maali slowly awakens in a dark concrete basement. She tries to move her arms, only to find they’re bound behind the wooden chair she’s sitting in. Her vision is in a daze. Slowly realizing she’s trapped, the poor roo begins to panic. “H-hello?” Maali cries out. “Ah, so she’s awake. Good.” A tall white-furred feline slowly comes into view with a fashionable suit on. “Comfortable, I hope?” Light jokes, her ears wilt in response. “No…” She says lowly, then raising her voice. “Please don’t hurt me!” The cat smiles and lifts her chin with a finger. “Don’t worry, I’m not about to hurt you.” As he says this, she gives a gentle sigh of relief. “In fact, I think you’ll come to enjoy this… Perhaps.” Sounding scary in his speech, Maali’s face turns quizzical. Light tugs a long rubber tube down from the dark ceiling. He forces her jaw open with one paw and shoves the thing into her mouth with the other, quickly chaining her muzzle shut with a lock attached. “Mph? Mph!” She shakes her head left and right, trying to spit it out but simply can’t as her eyes wilts. 

“Just relax, let what happens happen.” Says Light with a cool composure. Spinning a valve on the wall, cold water begins to shake the pipes in the ceiling at a steady pace. Her eyes widen as the hose fills, both cheeks inflate like two balloons – trying to hold it back. The pressure in Maali’s cheeks becomes too strenuous, so she swallows it while a teardrop trails down her skinny face. Now in a state of perpetually gulping, she gives big pleading eyes. “Hlp mmm…” She begs. “…help me? Aw, don’t look at me like that.” He strokes her head-fur, sliding a hand over her midsection that’s beginning to girth. Growing more and more, her slim-fit T tightens to her body. It doesn’t help that she’s so petite, so she’s running out of room fast. “Mmmph…” She whimpers, her long tail swaying at the floor. The roo leans her head into the cats paw like a dog for comfort, he smiles. “Good girl, that’s it.” He grins.

Light continues to massage her belly with the other paw, feeling the shirt strain and gently inhibit the growth. The roos abdomen extends between her knees, an audible twang can be heard from the fabric. Maali gives a sour expression from the buildup within. “Mmmph…!” She whimpers. The sounds of stitches breaking and gulping water permeates the room more. “Hang in there super girl.” Laughs Light, sounding confident in her (once) slender figure. The roos shirt splits up the center into a huge V-shape, her raw girth on full display as her navel quivers from the churning pressure behind it. Moaning louder, she stomps her big feet into the floor and throws a temper tantrum. “Now now,” He takes both her cheeks and has her look him in the eyes. “stop this, I find you absolutely dazzling in this state. You’re only getting better the more you balloon.” He strokes her head and smiles. 

The girls ears wilt as he says so, blushing from Light touching her face. Maali’s stomach is getting quite huge, nearly the shape of a beach ball. The chair creaks beneath her. “I’d better let you to the floor before-” The furniture snaps, sending her straight to the ground. “the chair does…” She groans, paws now free. Desperately, she tries to pull the hose out – but her efforts are useless. The thing can’t even be bent, so she just lays there like an yoga ball filling with liquid. **PA!** Her navel sprouts straight out, there’s a little X across it. “How amusing!” Chuckles the cat, squishing her belly button in just for it to poke back out again. At this point, she’s completely immobile without a doubt. Light smiles, rubbing her cheek with nothing but adoration in his eyes. “Better now that some pressure’s relieved?” He asks, flicking her outie then sloshing her tremendously orbed center. “Haha, you sound like the ocean!” He continues to mocks. The roo would normally try and punch him, but she’s so devoid of energy she can barely move her arms. Tugging on the hose again, she weakly tries to pull it out but simply can’t. “It will come out when you can’t possibly drink any more, you thirsty animal!” The cat mentions, waving the key across her line of sight. Trying to grab it, she’s too weak and slow in this state.

“Here, I’ll help you embrace it…” Light places both of her paws to her rumbling mass, letting her really feel it swell and tighten. **Ulp, ulp, ulp…** Gulping even louder, she moves her skinny fingers along the sensitive drum-tight balloon. The dark line trailing from her crotch up the center to her breasts is very prominent. Suddenly, the kangaroos arms and legs straighten to the floor – uncontrollably spread. “Mph?!” Very slowly, her limbs begin to retract into her own body, her eyes widening in terror. “Oh my, it seems we’ve arrived at this stage!” Saying so, he gives her abdomen a big congratulatory slap – sloshing her innards wildly. Her eyes twirl cartoonishly, head beginning to sink inward as well. Her long tail flops around since it, her paws and feet are now the only things she can move. Maali’s body is now bigger than the feline in terms of height, width, and definitely weight. Grrr… Groans the roo, her figure nearing its limit. The thinning fur-line shows the strain of her flesh with the occasional pulsing vein, she’s become a bomb soon to blow. 

Maali’s extremities fidget around as her limbs vanish into her, her head now disappearing into a cave that was once her neck. Light kneels and worships his incredible creation, pressing his ear to the flesh – he listens to the churns of water. **GRRR…!** The kangaroos paws, feet, and head totally vanish into the massive furry water balloon. All to be found on the exterior is a long skinny tail and a convex navel. With Maali’s whole body creaking, pleading for no more liquid from the lack of space – her eyes bulge, as if ready to burst out. Finally, Light twists the valve and shuts off the flow. “Mmm…” Sighs the roo. The cat carefully tugs on the hose, rolling her head-hole towards him so they can meet again face to face. “Hello beautiful, let yourself go huh?” Once again, he mocks. Reaching his key into the girls crevice, he unlocks her muzzle. The hose plops to the floor along with the chain. 

“Not so bad, was that?” Asks Light, Maali responds with a morbid burp. “I feel-” **HICCUP!** “like I’m only made of water.” Groans the roo, periodically burping with swirling eyes. “Don’t worry hun, the feeling will pass as soon as your body processes-” Her cheeks quickly blow up like two balloons, eyes tearing. “Mph?!” Unable to contain it, she spews the water out like a fire hose. “Woah!” He dives away from of the powerful stream. Burping crazily, her limbs slowly normalize and poke back out of her interior – deflating at a rapid pace. With the room flooded and the danger out of the way, he smiles and approaches her shriveled body. “Well, that must feel a few less-gallons better, huh?” “Ugh…” Maali just lays there, exhausted. Weakly, the roo touches her ripped shirt. “My clothes…” She complains. “Only hid your beautiful body.” He points and laughs.