Big big chungus 😱 Keanu reeves wholesome ✨ +3000 upvotes ⬆️ Fortnite bad! 🤢 Minecraft best game 🧱 We are not obese!!! 😠 😡 Children under 16 are cringe 😭 😭 What the fuck man?? 🤯 you didn’t get the FUCKING joke?!?!?!?! 🤯 🤯 Holy shit!!! 🤣 🤣 You just got
***r / w o o o o s h e d ! !***

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You 😠 are not 🚫 allowed to use 🤯 EMOJIS!!!!
Because it is so 🤢 fucking cringe!!!! 🤮
😭 Where did my 😳 😳 anime waifu bodypillow 🤪 🤪 go?!?!?!?!?!?
I don’t need to 👩 have a wife! 🏠 or start a family!
My waifu and I 🥺 🥺 will spend the rest of our lives 💖 💖 together!
You just r/got r/whoooshed r/and r/you r/got r/slashed r/in r/general!! 🤣 🤣
Look at you! You just got subreddit’d! 🤪 🤪 😏
Here are my ♥️ 😍 Favorite subreddits! 💻 🖥️ r/AnimeWaifus r/NoLife r/Fortnitefuckingsucks r/InstagramNormies r/Yourmom r/Needstofucking r/Losesomegoddamn weight