We have recently had the privilege of obtaining a Victory Royale from the popular PvP game Fortnite. A number one Victory Royale, to be specific. We agree and exclaim the words “Fortnite” then we express how we are about to “get down”, as it were. We discuss the fact that we have murdered 10 victims and that we have just committed genocide on a town with a theme of tomatoes. My teammate, a close friend of mine, has just been severely injured. Fortunately, I massaged him back to fruition. We begin to head south towards the town of Pleasant Park. We approach the streets of said town and we take a look at the sheet of paper in our hands which is commonly referred to as the “map.” We then subsequently mark the location we wish to approach and arrive at in the near future. Escort me to your Microsoft Xbox console and we shall commence a session of Fortnite: Battle Royale on this very day. I would much prefer you escort me to the location referred as Moisty Mire, instead of the one they call Loot Lake. I would greatly appreciate it if you would allow me to brutally and forcefully drink this jar with your assistance. Together, we can combine our knowledge and energy to achieve the status of Professional Participants of the Fortnite: Battle Royale variety. The man said to me, and I quote, “Hey, broski.” He then questioned me on the topic of medication. He asked if I had any, to put it in layman’s terms. He tells me he needs medication as he is fatally injured. I apologise to him, and explain that I found no medication in the depths of the safari. I have checked the first floor of the house we observed earlier but to no avail. Perhaps the ground floor will have weaponry of use. I seem to have spotted a chest which most likely contains said weaponry I mentioned in the previous sentence. The storm is rapidly approaching! We may need to search harder for the medication which you previously requested. I can only imagine the money I will spend when I arrive home safely. It will be a fair amount, much more than you can contend. I am a respectable man who partakes in Fortnite: Battle Royale sessions. Let me repeat myself- Escort me to your Microsoft Xbox console and we shall commence a session of Fortnite: Battle Royale on this very day. I would much prefer you escort me to the location referred as Moisty Mire, instead of the one they call Loot Lake. I would greatly appreciate it if you would allow me to brutally and forcefully drink this jar with your assistance. Together, we can combine our knowledge and energy to achieve the status of Professional Participants of the Fortnite: Battle Royale variety. I then proceed to sing what is widely regarded as gibberish. However, to me and my teammate, it is far more. You can eternally be my partner. We shall both partake in a multitude of sessions of the Fortnite: Battle Royale variety. I anticipate that we achieve a sole victory on the coming weekend. Escort me to Loot Lake. Let’s alter the style of the game in the hopes that we can dominate the disco. We will both drive a golf cart to safety. I seem to have a shortage of essential building materials. The only logical solution is that I break multiple rocks in order to gain stone. I am dressed up nicely, most would say I look smart. My partner seems to possess what is commonly known as the “Renegade Raider” costume. Going off this knowledge, I presume he is a professional. Looks like he just shot me in the back. However, I managed to turn my body around at a rapid rate in quick succession. I then attacked my former partner, and I gained a Victory Royale. A Victory Royale. Escort me to your Microsoft Xbox console and we shall commence a session of Fortnite: Battle Royale on this very day. I would much prefer you escort me to the location referred as Moisty Mire, instead of the one they call Loot Lake. I would greatly appreciate it if you would allow me to brutally and forcefully drink this jar with your assistance. Together, we can combine our knowledge and energy to achieve the status of Professional Participants of the Fortnite: Battle Royale variety.