Mario is probably a conservative if he lived now IRL:

blue-collar worker

old school NYC Italian-American

literally a monarchist, defends Mushroom Kingdom royalty to the death

squeaky-clean moralist

Although in external media he’s taught lessons on tolerance and such (in one illustration he was celebrating Hanukkah I think?)

Considering his origins and behavior, I doubt he would support Trump (unless he’s in a union as a plumber) but he’s probably more of a Reagan conservative. Maybe he reluctantly voted for Trump or didn’t bother at all. He definitely would whine about “principles”.

Would Mario support abortion and gay marriage? Considering he’s a blue-collar Italian monarchist he probably is a Catholic too, there’s no canon or semi-canon material to extrapolate this off of (that I’m aware of) but it’s a reasonable deduction and no Nintendo lore indicates that Christianity doesn’t exist – in fact the Hanukkah drawing implies all modern religions of our world exist in his. Also Link initially carried a shield with a cross on it. Also he was born in Brooklyn so yeah.

So yeah that’s my Thesis on why Mario is a Reaganite conservative, like and share