Fallout could have been so awesome. If only they did the outfit system better. Shouldn’t even have included armor like they did. Especially not when there’s only three kinds and they all looked clunky and awkward. Fallout 3’s outfit system was way better I think. Mostly because there were a lot of different outfits and they were all designed fairly well. Whereas fallout 4’s outfits were all kind of bland. Very limited. Drifter outfit and Kellogg’s outfit were clearly the only ones that the designers put any effort into. They were badass outfits tho. The weapon modifications system as well was very well executed. Would spend hours scouring the land for that lone roll of duck tape to finally add a silencer onto my 10mm. Which kind of makes zero sense now that I think about it. Why would that require duck tape? Game seemed very half assed in a lot of places too. Where the institute was concerned in particular. Plus they really dropped the ball on the add ons. Would love to see the next game return to a more cartoony horror vibe like fallout 3’s and new vegas. Goddamn new vegas was a good game. When you first encounter those legion fucks in that burning town. Only to become an absolute badass later on and lay waste to their entire cove in a purely organic gameplay moment. Damn. Good game. Fuck Donald Trump.