Hold on let me set up my env. Do you use conda orrr…You know what, let me just make a venv for us. Ok pip upgrade, easy fix, not sure why that doesn’t default to latest… pip install” -r requirements.txt and we’ll be all done! Cannot find a version… no, no, no. I know this is version exists, I just used it. Wait is this a 2.7 venv? Why does this default to a 2.7 env in 2020!? Hold on I promise I’ll be done soon. Let me just brew install python3. Ok that’s installed. Except maybe I should I use pyenv, I hear that makes it easier to manage… and installed! Wait, why is pyenv not finding python3? Fine, brew uninstall python3… install through pyenv again I guess, set as global. Ok great, let me just make another venv. Done! Let’s get to installing those packages, if you know what i mean ;)… Command pip not found!? WHAT IS THIS SHI… oh. Right, if I want to have the convenience of pyenv I need to install the pyenv virtualenv plugin… yeah this is so easy, I’m glad this is a best practice. Oh and modify my bash profile? Ok, I guess. Ok new venv… wait I can’t use that command anymore, I need to use the pyenv one. I’m almost ready I promi… wait, where are you going!? LET ME CONSENSUALLY SHOW YOU MY PYTHON!.