Lol in order to play an enjoy these kinds of game u gotta be into the retro fad shit like a lot of these slaves

to you tube game streamers like pediewpie an crap I notice a lot of ppp that love these retro pixel indie stuff

is that fan base of those game streamers like pretty much what’s trending they all follow it don’t get me wrong

I loved Super Nintendo an stuff back in the old days cuz that’s all we had but were living in 2018 where games an graphics

have evolved to almost realistic status I am not into the old stuff I don’t mind game like super Mario odyssey

I love it cuz it’s new an way more innovative an fun then these mobile pixel indies that flood Nintendo eshop

it’s becoming a problem the pixel indie game demand is destroying the eshop game quality an

I do regret buying a switch atm I wish I had known that the switch is basically for pixel indie lovers an not

What Nintendo used to be like on the wii u which had much better games but then that’s another problem

Nintendo is just porting old games instead of making new ones an cash it in full price then let the pixel indies collect

the rest of the money I’ve owned the switch for like 4-5 months now

I got like only 4 games on the switch super Mario odyssey, Zelda botw, Mario an rabbids, Xenoblade Chronicles 2

cuz they are real full quality games that’s worth the money I’m not into these indies they just feel like cheap short

overpriced games an I’ve seen pixel indies for the price of triple A games it’s absurd an give Nintendo a bad name,

I’m waiting for new exclusive which will prob be another year or 2 but

I don’t play my switch as much cuz of the eshop content it’s literally turning into a google play store with these

cheap quality flash type indie games ppl overrated almost every damn pixel game I wish I knew how to make pixel games

an just make a tiny pixel dot ping pong game an charge 90$ with 40$ season pass dlc that include different colour pixels

dots package lmfao just sit back cash in an let these goons waste their money an make me rich haha,

yup they’ll buy anything that’s pixelated