really? like really? how do i have to explain this shit, The pink tax Doesn’t Exist, you’re getting charged in the difference made in the materials, even things like jeans are made of different content in terms of the percentages of what fabric is used,If you wanna use guys’ products and wear there shit do it, and if anyone asks you tell them its no fucking business of their’s because it, men are not all terrible horrifying beings that rape murder and pillage everything. Get over it, one man doesn’t equal the whole representation of man as a whole. oh yeah and that unequal pay BS that you constantly spout out all the fucking time? its *Illegal*, thats right, *illegal*. do you know your history? do you even have a grasp of where you can get this knowledge here. there you go a GOVERNMENT WEBSITE saying that it is indeed *Illegal* to pay one sex more than the other, not to mention that ive heard millions of feminists, millions say “Men cant get raped” *Excuse me?!!*are you out of your *fucking* Gourd?!!!! Thats just such a croc of shit what about Corey Feldman? Terry Crews? what about those boys and Kevin Spacey?and anyway if you were fighting for Equality then what about masculine people? are they included? why not make the term gender neutral so as to show that its all inclusive? because its not, you just want an advantage over someone just because you feel like you should. Christ people.