Go commit not alive
Go commit aliven’t
Go commit uninstall life
Go commit discontinue life
Go commit short-circuit life
Go commit not feeling so good
Go commit blood not flow
Go commit death-pacito
Go commit sewer side
Go commit oxygen not reach lungs
Go commit heart not pumping blood
Go commit cease the means of carbon dioxide production
Go commit neck rope
Go commit wrist knife
Go commit jugular scissor
Go commit plug fork
Go commit swallow lit firework
Go commit go commit celebrity’s career after saying n-word
Go commit train track picnic
Go commit exhaust pipe succ
Go commit shove head in oven
Go commit skydive no parachute
Go commit 3 shots of cyanide
Go commit approach lion during safari
Go commit cliff jump
Go commit skinny dip in flood
Go commit gay in Iran
Go commit break into gun owner’s home
Go commit XXXTentacion leave motorbike store Go commit 30 days no eat
Go commit hold breath underwater for 10 minutes
Go commit bite dust
Go commit Logan Paul’s reputation after suicide forest vlog
Go commit jump overboard on ferry
Go commit choir in “This is America” music video
Go commit motorway chicken
Go commit bully weird kid in American school Go commit dog in Sputnik rocket
Go commit bucket kick
Go commit fetus in liberal’s womb
Go commit neck dislocate
Go commit Niagara Falls jump
Go commit Robbie Rotten cannonball hit
Go commit stare at enderman
Go commit swim in lava
Go commit oof IRL
Go commit Ukraine’s population in 1930s
Go commit liver after 10 shots of vodka