Imagine being 1 – Homophobic and 2 – Transphobic in 2023 like some edgelord stuck in a 2009 CoD lobby.

We get it, your parents didn’t give you the attention you crave so I’ll give it to you instead.

You’re a loser and you won’t do anything with your life, that’s why you saw the reddit title, read what was said and *still* thought to yourself “Hey, I don’t like this.” Or perhaps you’re just in denial that, when presented with anyone taking some sort of an interest I’m you and to touch your shrivelled cocktail weenie, for some reason, you wouldn’t jump at the chance. And then you looked back at the comment and decided to, instead of minding your own business and keeping your opinions to yourself out of other people’s lives that have no effect on you, you decided to comment in a way that makes you look immature, lazy, dumb and everyone is looking at you as a constant reminder that Neanderthals still walk the earth.

Have the day you deserve, champ.