Well, this looks like a good place for me to go on ahead and dump my feelins:

I have a absolutely overbearing fetish for mommas and daddies, especially fluffy mommy wendigo monsters. It’s kinda my meme persona here, but it’s also pretty unironic.

Did I grow up with neglectful parents? Not at all, in fact I had a very good mom growing up. I just find big comfort in the thought of a caregiver partner making my life much easier, holding me, kissing me, talking very kindly and ensuring I am always safe and happy.

I am autistic, not to the point of any intellectual or emotional setbacks, but I am a sensitive person whom needs a little break here and there, and the thought of a caregiver dynamic with a large caring monster comforts me. It’s a fantasy, and I know that it is. A night of thinking about a more kinder world does bring me stability, tho. And it helps give me drive and purpose to keep fighting the next day.

So please, know that a caregiver kink is not inherently incestous in nature or often caused by neglect. It’s a source of comfort for some, and one that you are born with, without much choice, as with most kinks.