The craziest one I’ve seen I have to share. So, for the record I’m not gay, and never ever spoke of gay things or homosexual-related items whatsoever before this point. Again, there is not one ounce of my being that could ever ever ever consider being on that side of the fence. I’m not even homophobic at all. It’s just that I myself for sure am not gay, and have had several girlfriends for decades. End disclaimer, haha.

So a few months ago I was at some event, and this dude walked by that was wearing a pretty sick outfit, was in-shape, and just had a physical demeanor of confidence athleticism without being some athlete nerd. You know the dudes who happen to be big and athletic and play on the football team, etc, but are just fucking geeks. Like mommy boys or some shit.

Anyway, in my head I think, damn that’s how a dude should look, shoes are kick ass, not shitty hair, not geeky jeans, etc. I was just admiring it, and thought Jesus that dude must haul in serious pelt. And then that was the end of it. Never thought about dudes again, hehe.

That night my ad feed has fucking gay dating ads popping up all over my fucking phone. LOL. I thought you have to be kidding me, no way..

So yeah, it’s happened many times with other things I’ve thought about. But this was one case where it was really noticeable, and I was sure I had never seen those ads before.