I kinda know how ya feel man I USED to feel it. But when i found out about astral projection well it changed meh. Astral Projecion is basicly leaving your physchial body and going into another reality like our own. Basicly if you astral projected you could tell your self to go to high school dxd world and Yes you would be there and everything would be like in the show even parts you didnt know. You could join riases peerage and maybe get her to fall for you. And when you want to leave you can simply say go back to my body and you will be back waking up in shitty reality. And if you go back you will notice that no time as past since you came there so you can basicly live 2 lives a physchial 1 and an astral 1 with your wiafu. If you want to live there forever than the only option for you is to kys because when you die you leave the body so you could just go to high school dxd world forever and have kids and live a happy life with rias for eternity. Hope this cures your depression just google astral projection and there would be many tutorials on it. Happy rias loving. PS: i projected last night