I like to make walks in the morning time ja with my legs and i was walking this morning,

ja, around hear and icy two guys, i think they are hobos hobose, you know, men of the streets, and they are making an argue, fite fite fite not with fistys with mouthys, very rude, and things and then one man say, man suck my dick,

what, you why you say what this make nosed, why are you say this, this is a silly and danger, the you, you are saying to the man, listens you, we arnot friends, we have make establish of this, from all of these argumentatings prior, butt, please now take my most valuable sensitivity possession in my body, it have no protection, it have no helmet or some thing, no no, it i sjust flopsy and sensitivity, please take it, because we are not friends,

what, eh, and place it inside now a hole of you that is owning meny meny, alg, objects for krunching and destruktion, pleas, i trust you, for zero reasons, also we are fiting but no, i wood like this you to take my pipi please and treat it like a löllipöp, as i have requested hear, treat it like a löllipöp,

of course you shall do this, you shall definite not treat it like a hamburger, like a haymberger, haug haug, no no of core what, of cores, of cores this man shall make your pipi into a luncheon, hau hau he shall not be nice and make it a löllipöp, he do not like you, he is not you friend, do not give this man you pipi, its a hamburgua, its a whopper ™️ for this person, or a big mäc™️, or what is, i dont know what is equivalent for your pipi, a white castle burger,

but donut do it, stops it, i do not give my pipi like this to a friend and make this requesting, of cores not for enemy man, you are only owning one pipi, you are not like a man, i am now make a guess of national geographic, eh show where man has 500 pipis just surround his torso he may give one of the pipis to a mand and say, suck my dick because now i still have 499 pipi, what, nein, you cannot do this, you are only owning one pipi, protection it please, dont say this, say another insulting like, hey man you smell bad and you face look like a goose.

Source: [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/726613327706587156/783756195466838047/Make\_Walks\_JAAA\_1.mp4](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/726613327706587156/783756195466838047/Make_Walks_JAAA_1.mp4)