I read about two sentences and then got bored with the cut and paste 4chan kiddie routine you seem to think is clever. Imagine being so boring and lonely you typed long angry rants telling people to kill themselves at everyone who hurt your feelings by pointing out how you waste your life, hahaha.

Lmao at reading my comment history because your feelings were hurt, that is a direct quote from things I’ve said and we both know it. I can’t imagine being so lonely and boring that internet-stalked people who hurt my feelings by not respecting my bigotry on the internet, hahaha.

Enjoy another lifetime of being that boring person, you deserve your isolation for your support of bigotry and you have no one to blame but yourself.

Pretending you’re aloof when you’ve admitted how empty your life is and how hurt your feelings are is desperate. You want this conversation to continue, that’s why you’re continuing it. You’re so lonely that someone making fun of your boring life is enough social contact to be valuable to you.

Goodbye for real now. You keep tricking me into responding by doubling down on how fucking stupid you’re acting, but I’m catching on to your “begging for negative attention on the internet” game now and I won’t give you any more of it.

Maybe you’re lonely enough to do this because you spend your life doing boring things like begging for negative attention on the internet, and you don’t have any real hobbies. Maybe no one wants to spend time with you because you don’t have anything interesting to talk about except your epic attempts at 4chan kiddie trolling. No one cares about your life spent on the internet, so you can’t make social connections or keep a conversation going with strangers, meaning you will never have normal social contact. What you just did is the best you get as far being social goes, hahaha. That’s sad, but you deserve it for being a boring person that’s not worth spending time with.

Your life sucks dude, so much that you need to do stuff like that to feel better about it. Enjoy living it every single day forever, hahaha. Hope sitting on the internet trying your hardest to act like an edgy child so someone notices you exist is everything you ever dreamed you’d be doing as an adult when you were a child.

Lmfao, get over yourself kid, go beg someone else on the internet to care about you. “Please pay negative attention to me on the internet, no one cares about me in real life and acting like a fool so people notice I exist is the only form of social contact I have left.” You’re pathetic dude, enjoy your empty life alone.
You’ve spent every day for months, probably much longer, sitting on Reddit begging people to notice you exist. No one does that unless they are extremely lonely and boring.

Doubling down on the edgy little kid routine when someone calls you out is just desperate.

Lol at forming a weird support group because your feelings were hurt when someone made you reflect on your empty boring life. If you’re trying to prove you’re not a boring loser with no friends, stalking people around the internet and commiserating with other 4chan trolls is not the way to do it.

You can make word clouds of people that hurt your feelings all day, you still won’t have anyone to talk to or spend time with, and that’s your fault for choosing to live a boring hateful life no one cares to talk to you about. Maybe if you weren’t an alt-right 4chan kiddie with no hobbies, you’d be interesting enough to make friends.

Hahaha, wow. You’re so desperate to pretend you’re not affected by someone putting in writing what a loser you are, but you can’t play pretend when you literally stalked my comment history in a desperate attempt to find anyone that would make you feel better about your hurt feelings. You took your free time to seek out anyone that might agree with you that the mean man observing your wasted life isn’t real. That’s desperate.

“I’m not a friendless alt-right hate cult loser that spends every day on the internet and has nothing interesting to talk about and no one to care about me, everyone that notices that is just a troll pretending they don’t like me for a funny joke.”

Pathetic attempt at playing pretend that’s instantly obvious to everyone. At least you have that internet hate cult to keep you company, hahaha. Hope that’s a good substitute in your empty life for all the real people that would be embarrassed to be associated with someone as worthless and damaged as you.

“I am an epic troll on the internet. Everyone cares about me and gets really mad when I do my 4chan kiddie routine. I am important and have the ability to affect normal people’s lives as a stranger on the internet. People that don’t spend all day online trolling for negative attention like I do care about what I have to say. I’m proud of this because it’s my only real hobby. I’m lonely enough to spend my life failing at trolling and actually be proud of that because I’m isolated from my peers due to my juvenile worldview. I’m 14, the world is centered around me, everyone cares about what I have to say on the internet, everyone gets super mad when I epic-troll them, and this is an identity I’m proud of.”

Hahaha, you’re a joke of a person. Enjoy that hollow life alone you’ve built for yourself. At least you got the comment history of mean internet strangers to keep you company, hahah.

Hahahaha! Now you’re pretending you didn’t stalk me because you’re embarrassed about how you spend your free time! I would be too — it’s pathetic to have an internet stranger describe your wasted life and hurt your feelings so bad that you scour their comment history and try to find anyone who will agree with you. The fact that you’re lonely enough to care so much about what an internet stranger thinks in the first place is enough of an admission of how shitty your life is, never mind lying about how you spend your time because you’re embarrassed.

You do realize you admitted to stalking my comment history like three posts ago? Fucking pathetic dude, hahaha. Even for a lonely alt-right 4chan kiddie, this is particularly pathetic.

Enjoy another day on the internet alone, pretending everyone who notices your wasted life is just joking and desperately begging for any form of community. I guess you’ve gotta be pretty lonely to join an internet hate cult in the first place, but to spend your free time obsessing over the mean internet man who hurt your feelings, stalking him through the internet, and finding random people to try and agree with you that his opinion doesn’t matter — well, that’s a new level of lonely and boring.

You are lonely enough to stalk an internet stranger because you are boring enough to spend your free time that way. No one wants to spend time with an alt-right 4chan kidide that can only tell them stories about the epic Reddit trolling he did and what he watched on TV last night.

You are so desperate for any form of the social contact you lack in your real life that you debase yourself and use edgy middle school humour and hope anyone at all will reply to you. Having an internet stranger think “Wow, what a fucking idiot” is better than going another day with no one caring you exist in your pathetic life. You’re so concerned about this conversation that you edit your replies multiple times instantly after sending them. You’re so insecure after I’ve explained your wasted life in detail that “winning” this conversation is important to you.

You’re so insecure about your actions that you’re now pretending you don’t understand me when we both know what I’m talking about. This is the same thing you did when you pretended you didn’t stalk my comment history.

You are so ashamed of the boring person you are that you feel the need to lie to someone that can instantly confirm you’re lying because your ego can’t take the hit to admit someone else knows how boring your life is.

This is my favourite part by the way. “You’re the bigot for noticing my bigotry and not respecting me for it! You’re the REAL hateful one, not me! I know you are, but what am I?” Do you have any original thoughts, or do you cut and paste all your excuses from the internet?

You alt-right kids love your stupid loopholes to try and take no responsibility for your actions by default without saying anything real.

You have no idea how stereotypical and predictable you sound to other people that have interacted with your fellow hate cult members before, hahah. You’re just another 4chan kiddie clone desperate to pretend his support of bigotry has no consequences.

I bet you can’t even remember the last time you’ve had a meaningful conversation with anyone outside your immediate family

You will not be able to make new friends when your life consists solely of alt-right hate cults and pretending to be an idiot on the internet.

No one wants to spend time with you because you’re not an interesting person to be around.
When you wake up tomorrow, you will be just as isolated as you are today.