I find your statement to be false and correct all at once. It is as though I’m living in an alternate reality. I am in an alternate reality, one that is not ruled by time and space. Why must we be ruled by such foolish, man-made things? They are designed to keep us down. In a reality where we are all correct while being incorrect, it does not make a situation of confusion, it creates a situation of lust for knowledge. We have found that when you do not focus on man-made things, we can find the knowledge that the gods have hidden throughout the universe for our educations pleasure. It is pure E C T A S Y to learn a new bit of information about life. “Life”, something that is not man-made, but made by the gods. The gods that transcend time and space. How do we know time and space if the gods know no time or space? Why strive to be men and follow the teachings of man, when we can ignore them as we strive for knowledge to reach our final epiphany and transcend to the land of the gods ourselves? That is our goal. Find the knowledge that the gods have hidden for us and only the most valuable, and wise men that have used their time efficiently in their search for knowledge may leave behind this world for the unbound and unbinding realm of the gods.