What the fuck even is a militant atheist? How the fuck is an atheist militant?In a world where people blow themselves up, carve up innocent families and ram trucks into markets in the name of their invisible, imaginary sky daddy how the fuck are atheists militant?If being frustrated by people who think their imaginary sky daddy gives them the right to judge and impede others based on what makes their pants bulge and speaking up against such insufferable cunts is being militant, then fuck me.I’m both incredibly frustrated and glad we live in a world where sheltered little bitches can cry about having their opinions mercilessly mocked and scrutinized in public forums because it hurts their precious little feelings. It means we live in a really safe world with many opportunities and do not suffer from the many things that would cause us to grow thicker skins like war, famine, homelessness, disease and all the other things (although many people are less fortunate, I know). But it also means many crybabies online seriously lack perspective./rant